We always need volunteers year-round for classroom aides, bus riders, kitchen helpers, and fundraisers. Whether you’re available for an hour a day, on a weekly basis, or occasionally, we kindly appreciate the time you take to volunteer with us to meet the daily needs of our children. We usually have two types of volunteers throughout the year:
Community Volunteers: Volunteer anytime throughout the year including those who need community service hour requirements for a school organization. Specific volunteer positions are listed below. For large group volunteering opportunities, please email dentoncps@gmail.com.
Observation Students: If you are an education major and need hands-on experience or need community service credit for a class.
A background check is required to volunteer in our classrooms and buses. Stop by our office to fill out your background check form in person and bring two forms of ID with you (ex: driver's license and student ID). If you'd like to speed up the process, you can download the background check form, fill it out, and print bring it with you to the office with your two forms of ID. Our hours of operation are Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Once the background check is processed and cleared, you are ready to start volunteering!
Classroom Aide
This is the most popular volunteer position at DCP. Classroom aides help our teachers perform various tasks, including facilitating classroom activities and lessons, monitoring playtime, releasing teachers during lunch and nap time, cleaning-up, working with students on class projects, reading to students, and creating classroom materials needed by our teachers. Some children need extra attention and support, as a result, we allow volunteers to interact with them in the classroom. Volunteers work during the morning shift hours from 8 a.m. - 12 p.m. or the afternoon shift hours from 12 p.m. - 4 p.m. We accept classroom volunteers after accepting observation students and work-study students until we have reached our volunteer capacity.
Bus Rider
Bus riders are needed in the mornings from 7:50 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. and afternoon riders from 2:50 p.m. - 4 p.m. Bus riders ensure that our children are safely secured in booster seats, monitor bus behavior, log parent pick-up information at bus stops in the afternoon, and help our bus drivers when needed. Bus rider volunteers may work either or both trips during the day.
Kitchen Helper
We serve our children breakfast, a hot lunch, and an afternoon snack. Volunteers assist in preparing foods and serving to our children, baking birthday cakes, and setting up and cleaning up the dining area and kitchen.
Fundraisers and Special Events
Most of our fundraisers occur in the evening on a monthly basis. Tasks include, but not limited to setting-up and tearing-down venues, preparing food, handing out information and/or materials, facilitating and participating in activities, and any other task as needed by the volunteer coordinator or event organizer.
Special Skills or Qualifications
Do you have an idea for a special service based on your employment, internship experience, previous volunteer work or skills or hobbies you'd like to share? Please let us email dentoncps@gmail.com or call us at 940-383-3332. We’re looking for new ideas to further the quality of education we provide for our children.