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The need for preschool education in our community is crucial to the growth and development of future generations.

Many low-income children in the Denton community do not have the opportunity to attend preschool for various reasons.


If at-risk children do not get a quality preschool education, 

  • 25% are more likely to drop out of high school

  • 40% are more likely to become a teen parent

  • 60% are more likely to not go to college

  • 70% are more likely to be arrested for a violent crime

*According to Early Childhood Education Zone


What factors potentially make a child at-risk? at-risk" 

     - low family income

     - single-parent household

     - parent's level of education

     - language barriers

     - abuse or violence in a household

     - the age of the parent(s) when they had their child

     - incarcerated parent(s)

     - a high child-to-parent ratio in a household


Denton Christian Preschool (DCP) exists to make sure at-risk children are given the opportunity to reach their potential and be ready for  kindergarten by providing a preschool program. Our program is focuses on five important components: 

  1. Providing developmentally appropriate learning activities in a classroom setting

  2. Transporting students to and from school

  3. Preparing and serving homemade nutritious meals and snacks

  4. Providing access to medical, dental, speech, and other diagnostic screenings and referrals

  5. Creating close connections with families through monthly parenting events.


Your gift will help us to ensure we can continue to provide these services so developmental milestones are achieved and our children are well-equipped for school and life. Learn more here.


"Denton Christian Preschool serves the children who otherwise would not receive education, nourishment, or health assessments."

-Carmen Rivera-Worley

The Impact of Your Donation​

  • $15 - Provides books for the early literacy program.

  • $25 - Provides supplies for a student for the entire school year.

  • $30 - Provides one week of education for a Tu & Th low-income student.

  • $45 - Provides one week of education for a M/W/F low-income student.

  • $50 - Provides one week of transportation for a low-income student.

  • $75 - Provides parenting education for one month, for all parents.

  • $100 - Provides a full week of education for a student.

  • $300 - Provides the students with an outdoor learning experience, through a field trip.

Call Us

Tel: 940-383-3332 | Fax: 940-383-8223

Operating Hours

Monday - Friday

Office Hours: 8 a.m. - 4 p.m.

School Hours: 9 a.m. - 3 p.m.



Denton Christian Preschool was founded in 1970 and has consistently provided pre-school education for Denton's youngest learners.

  • Early education program

  • Breakfast

  • Hot lunch

  • Afternoon snack

  • Field trips

  • Transportation

  • Parent/Teacher monthly meetings

  • Health screenings/referrals


1114 West University Dr. Denton, TX 76201


Housed within the First Presbyterian Church

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